Photo print on an umbrella

Photos prints on umbrellas use a high resolution photograph and we digitally print the photo onto the umbrella panels prior to construction.

Each of the eight panels of the umbrella can have a different photograph or one photograph can be printed across all panels and matched up during construction to display a single image across the diameter of the umbrella.

You can choose a black and white photo to print on an umbrella or a colour photograph to print on your umbrella. You aren’t limited to printing only on the outside of the umbrella to create a top view of the photograph. We can photo print the inside of the umbrella too.

Photo prints can be used on any style of umbrella you choose. A large golf umbrella has big panels to show off your photo, a walking umbrella is slightly smaller and can also include a photo print. Folding umbrellas can also have  a photo print on the inside and outside.

Travel companies, museums & galleries, places of interest and photographers like photo umbrellas because our quality of print is superb and accurately represents the original photograph.

We can manufacture a small minimum order quantity of premium photo print umbrellas from 100 pieces for any style of umbrella.  Once you are ready to proceed with your photo print on an umbrella then we accept a deposit to launch your umbrella manufacture. We send you a sample within 3 weeks of your photograph on the model of umbrella you have ordered for your approval. Once you’ve approved your photo print umbrella then we launch full production of your order and advise your dispatch date. Lead time 4-6 weeks from sample approval to delivery. Got an urgent deadline to meet? Talk to us and we can let you know what we can do in your timeframe.

Photo print pricing

Umbrella with Photo Print

Prices from £15

Minimum order 100

Lead time 6-12 weeks

Warranty 2 years

Get a quote

Photo print umbrellas

are available in the following frames

8 reasons to choose The Umbrella Workshop


Our umbrellas all have a 2 year quality guarantee that they won’t let you down.


We understand creative execution, our small team have textile or creative degrees.


Thousands of global brands trust us with their brand identity to ensure we match it accurately.


More than 15 years experience in the promotional merchandise industry, we know what we’re doing.


With production facilities in the UK and Far East we’ve got a model of umbrella to suit your requirements.


Huge range of print method and design options including Pantone matching, attention to detail is imperative to your brand and our reputation.


Your strict deadline is ours and we’ll work with you to ensure swift and accurate delivery through our global distribution service.


We can ship to multiple addresses and anywhere in the world.

Recent Case Studies
